Magnetic Clay™ Bath
Experience the detoxifying power of immersing your body in mineral-rich clay. Magnetic Clay™ Bath combines the highest quality desert-sourced healing clays with ancient sea salt to help draw toxins and impurities while you relax and restore.
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Bentonite clay is strongly adsorptive, which means it has the capacity to attract, hold and help eliminate toxins. It has a strong negative electromagnetic charge, and when activated by water, it acts like a magnet, drawing toxins to it, which then adhere to the surface of the clay.
The skin is your body’s largest organ and clay supports its natural function as a detoxification pathway. While submerged in a tub of warm water mixed with Magnetic Clay™ Bath, the highly adsorbent clay binds to toxins while the ancient sea salt enhances the efficacy of the clay.
Magnetic Clay™ Bath offers a convenient, relaxing way to enjoy at-home pelotherapy, the therapeutic use of mud or clay applied to the body.

Ingredient highlights

Sourced from ancient hydrothermal and volcanic basins, sodium bentonite clay is known for its adsorptive qualities and has been used for centuries as a traditional method for detoxification.
Ingredient highlights

Customer Reviews
It is recommended that anyone with a heart condition, high blood pressure, pregnant/breastfeeding women, and anyone taking prescription medications or any medical situation, should postpone the bath and check with your doctor or certified therapist. It may be acceptable to take a clay ‘pack’ instead of the bath or a clay ‘foot bath’, they work more slowly and gently. Visit enviromedica.com/claybath for more information on use with children.
Magnetic Clay Bath is formulated for external use only.
The aluminum in the clay is a completely inert aluminosilicate, and cannot be broken down by the body; it's what forms the intricate crystal structure of the clay particles.
It is not recommended to use multiple detoxification protocols concurrently to prevent over-taxing the body.
We recommend starting with 1 cup for your first bath and gradually increasing over time up to 3 cups or your desired amount
While there has been great success in administering clay baths to children, it is important to start slowly, especially with those who have chronic or compromised health conditions.
Children 10-50lb ………. 1/3 cup for 10 to 20 minutes
Children 50-75lb ………. 1/2 cup for 10 to 20 minutes
Children 75-100lb …….. 3/4 cup for 10 t0 20 minutes
We advise starting with the least amount as recommended above. You can gradually increase the amount of formula/time in the tub as the therapy continues, so long as there are not symptoms of detox.
For masks: Mix 4tsp of Magnetic Clay with 1/4 cup hot water, allow the clay to absorb the water, until the texture is creamy but firm.
For clay slurries, packs, or wraps: Mix clay with warm water in a ratio that produces a mixture that is easily spreadable on the body (thick enough that it sticks). Use a non-metallic bowl and utensil when mixing. Apply 1/8″ to 1/4″ thick layer of clay over your body (arms, legs, torso). Then enter a warm bath.
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